Note: This is an unofficial translation of the statutes, which are officially written in German.
§1 Name, description, seat and area of activity of the party
1. The name of the party is Partei für Gesundheitsforschung (Party for Health Research).
2. The short description of the party is Gesundheitsforschung (Health Research).
3. The seat of the party is Berlin.
4. The area of activity is the Federal Republic of Germany. The Party for Health Research is a party as defined by the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Parties Act.
§2 Purpose and goal
The Party for Health Research is a single issue party with the aim of supporting health research in Germany. Age-related diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, myocardial infarction, stroke and type 2 diabetes affect every person from a certain age and cause a lot of suffering and costs. Age-related diseases are caused by certain changes inside and outside of cells. By repairing these changes at the molecular and cellular level, it will probably be possible to cure and prevent age-related diseases in the future.
The more research is done in this field, the greater the chance for the timely development of effective medicine against age-related diseases. This is why the Party for Health Research is working to establish more research facilities in Germany that are working on this topic and to train more scientists in the relevant areas.
The party wants to form a government coalition with one or more other parties, and will only deal with the issue of health research. The party does not want to interfere in all other political issues. These can be dealt with by the coalition partners.
§3 Admission and resignation of members
1. Anyone who has reached the age of 18 and who recognizes the statutes can become a member.
2. Membership must be submitted in writing to the Federal Executive Board.
3. Members may be natural persons only.
4. Membership ends by withdrawal, exclusion or death.
5. The withdrawal shall be declared in writing to the Federal Executive Board.
6. The members of the Party for Health Research or the members of the board of the Party for Health Research may not be in the majority foreigners.
7. The free choice of the regional association applies, independent of the registered place of residence.
8. (repealed)
9. Each party member will automatically be a member of the lowest party classification, which includes the member’s place of residence if the member does not make another application. Members who live outside the Federal Republic of Germany automatically become members of the Federal Association only, if they do not submit a different application.
§4 Rights of Members
1. No membership fee is charged.
2. Each member has the right to participate in the work of the party under these statutes.
§5 Authoritative regulations against members and their exclusion
1. Authoritative orders against members are warning, removal from a party office and exclusion from the party.
2. An order may be imposed on a member if it causes serious damage to the party.
3. Orders may be given only by the Federal Executive Board.
4. The appropriate arbitration board shall decide on the exclusion.
5. In the case of violations of the statutes, which do not yet justify an exclusion, the member may be warned or removed by a party officer.
6. Opposition to the measures may be contradicted by the appropriate arbitration board. The appeal to a higher-level arbitration board shall be admissible.
7. The decision on an order must be justified in writing.
8. In urgent and serious cases requiring immediate action, the board of the Party or a regional authority may exclude a member from the exercise of his rights until the decision of the arbitration board.
§6 Permissible regulatory measures against regional associations
1. Appropriate regulatory measures against regional associations are a warning and dissolution.
2. A regulatory measure may be imposed on a regional authority if it causes serious damage to the party.
3. Regulatory measures may be given only by the Federal Executive Board.
4. The dissolution of a regional association shall be decided by the appropriate arbitration board.
5. The dissolution and exclusion of subordinate territorial units as well as the abolition of entire organs thereof shall be admissible only because of serious violations of the principles or the order of the party.
6. In case of violations of the statutes, which do not yet justify the dissolution of a regional association, the regional association can be warned.
7. For a measure against regional associations, the Federal Executive Board needs confirmation by a higher body. The measure will cease to apply if the confirmation is not made at the next Federal Party Convention. Countermeasures may be filed with the appropriate arbitration board. The appeal to a higher-level arbitration board shall be admissible.
§7 General Organization of the Party
1. The Party for Health Research is divided into state associations. The state associations can create subdivisions according to their local needs. Within the borders of a state, there is only one state association.
2. The further subdivision of the provincial associations takes place in local and district associations which cover the political boundaries of the governmental districts and municipalities.
§8 Organs
1. The party’s organs are the Federal Party Convention, the Federal Executive Board and the Federal Arbitration Board.
§9 The Federal Party Convention
1. The Federal Party Convention is the supreme body of the Party for Health Research.
2. The Federal Party Convention is a general assembly.
3. The Federal Party Convention is convened by the Federal Executive Board. This can, for example, be done via e-mail.
4. The Federal Executive Board must announce the date for the Federal Party Convention at least three days in advance.
5. The Federal Party Convention decides on the party program, the statutes, the arbitration rules, the electoral program for the Bundestag election, the merger with other parties and the dissolution. A nine-tenth majority of the members of the party present is necessary to amend the statutes, the arbitration rules or the party program.
6. A dissolution or merger must be confirmed by a vote among all members with a nine-tenth majority.
7. The Federal Party Convention elects the Federal Executive Board, the Federal Arbitration Board and the auditors.
8. The Federal Party Convention elects a member of the Federal Executive Board as treasurer, who is responsible for the financial affairs.
9. The Federal Party Convention receives the activity report of the Federal Executive Board and is responsible for the discharge of the Federal Executive Board.
10. The decisions and election results of the Federal Party Convention shall be recorded in the minutes. The minutes shall be signed by the secretary and by at least one member of the Federal Executive Board.
11. The Federal Party Convention shall meet at least once every second calendar year.
12. Extraordinary party conventions can only be convened by decision of the Federal Executive Board.
§10 The Federal Executive Board
1. The Federal Executive Board represents the Party for Health Research both internally and externally. It carries out its business on the basis of the resolutions of the party organs.
2. The Federal Executive Board consists of the chairman, at least two deputy chairmen, the treasurer and, optionally, a deputy treasurer. The chairman may also be the treasurer or deputy treasurer at the same time. One of the deputy chairmen may also be the treasurer or deputy treasurer at the same time.
3. The Federal Executive Board decides on all organizational and political questions within the meaning of the decisions of the Federal Party Convention.
4. The Federal Executive Board shall draw up an activity report.
5. Each member of the Federal Executive Board is authorized to represent the party individually.
§11 Arbitration boards
1. The rules of arbitration specify the details of the arbitration boards.
§12 Nomination of candidates for elections to popular representations
1. Candidates for elections to popular representations shall be governed by the provisions of the electoral laws and by the statutes of the federal and regional authorities.
2. The meeting to nominate the candidates may also take place at another general assembly.
3. Nomination meetings are quorate if at least three voting members are present.
4. The invitation to a nomination meeting shall be made by the Federal Executive Board or by a representative of the Federal Executive Board or by the Federal State Executive Board, which is responsible for the respective constituency or the respective federal state, or by a representative of this Federal State Executive Board.
§13 Financial regulations
1. The treasurer is responsible for managing the finances and accounting.
2. (repealed)
3. The treasurer at the federal level ensures the timely submission of the annual report to the President of the German Bundestag.
4. Any organization of the party may dispose of the donations received in its entirety if no other purpose is specified.
5. There are no additional membership fee regulations.
Arbitration rules
§1 Basics
1. At the federal and state level, arbitration boards must be formed.
2. The arbitration boards are arbitration boards within the meaning of the law on political parties.
§2 Staff
1. A chairman is elected for each arbitration board. Up to two deputies can be elected. For a process, each conflicting party shall appoint an assessor.
2. The arbitration boards shall be elected for a period of four years.
3. Members of the arbitration boards need not be members of the Party for Health Research.
4. The Federal Party Convention elects the Federal Arbitration Board and the Federal State Party Conventions elect the state boards.
§3 Branch office
1. The branch office of the Federal Arbitration Board is the Federal Office of the party. The branch offices of the state boards are the branches of the respective state associations.
§4 Conciliation
1. A conciliation attempt should take place before the arbitration is appealed.
§5 Invocation
1. The arbitration will only be active on written invocation. The invocation must contain a reason.
2. The complainant may be a party member or a party organ.
3. If the invocation is invalid or obviously unfounded, the invocation can be rejected with a reason. The complainant may appeal against this decision.
§6 Process
1. The parties are entitled to refuse a member of the arbitration board for reasons of bias.
2. The board decides whether the process will be held in writing, orally or by phone.
3. All parties to the process are entitled to be heard. Decisions may be made only on the basis of findings which are known to all parties to the proceedings and on which they have been able to comment.
§7 Judgment
1. The arbitrators shall issue the judgment by an ordinary majority.
§8 Appeal
1. One can lodge appeals against decisions of the Federal State Arbitration Boards at the Federal Arbitration board.
§9 Costs
1. The arbitration process is free of charge. The parties to the process shall bear their own costs in the context of the process.
2. Arbitrators will not receive compensation for their activities.